
Portugal Back to Back Season 1

Surfing 11 mins 2022
1 2 3 4 5
2 | 1 ratings
Seasons: 21

Portugal's second largest city has plenty waves and charms waiting to be found. Alongside his longtime friend and Swedish surfing star, Freddie Meadows, Nic surfs perfect jetty point breaks, wanders around the ancient downtown buildings and ends up at one of the prime wine estates in the fabled Douro region, toasting to life and another great episode of Portugal Back-to-Back.

Freddie Meadows, Nic Von Rupp

Episode Details
Synopsis Portugal's second largest city has plenty waves and charms waiting to be found. Alongside his longtime friend and Swedish surfing star, Freddie Meadows, Nic surfs perfect jetty point breaks, wanders around the ancient downtown buildings and ends up at one of the prime wine estates in the fabled Douro region, toasting to life and another great episode of Portugal Back-to-Back.
Athletes Freddie Meadows, Nic Von Rupp
Genres Surfing
Director Kenny Kemp
Studio Nic Von Rupp Media
Rating not rated
Runtime 11 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions German, English, Catalan, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Spanish, Breton, Portuguese
Stream HD | 1920x1080