Riders On The Storm

Behind the Gate 2023

Freestyle Motocross 26 mins 2023
1 2 3 4 5
0 | ratings
Seasons: 1

Coming to Turkey, riders face stormy and challenging conditions but some raised above the rest.

Paul Malin, Lisa Leyland, Sacha Coenen

Episode Details
Synopsis Tim Gajser gets back to the top with his first GP win in one year while Prado's nightmare benefits to Febvre in the Championship. Go deep with Valentin Guillod, as the Swiss rider explains his journey from his highs and lows throughout the years in MXGP as well as his relationship with his trainer Yves Demaria.
Athletes Paul Malin, Lisa Leyland, Sacha Coenen, Harry Norton, Mitch Evans, Valentin Guillod
Genres Freestyle Motocross
Studio InFront Moto Racing
Rating not rated
Runtime 26 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions Dutch, Japanese, English, Catalan, Russian, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, German, French, Breton, Portuguese, English
Stream HD | 1920x1080