Season 2

Fuel TV presents Camp Woodward

Classics 2 hrs  3 mins 2009
1 2 3 4 5
4 | 2 ratings

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FUEL TV follows two teenage skaters and one young BMXer as they leave their homes and families for the summer and head off to Camp Woodward, Pennsylvania, to gear up and tackle the ultimate journey of challenges, triumphs, and self discovery.

Cody Davis, Hunter Bagent, Larry Schmidt

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What's the difference?

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Season Details
Synopsis FUEL TV follows two teenage skaters and one young BMXer -- Larry, Cody, and Hunter -- as they leave their homes and families for the summer and head off to Camp Woodward, Pennsylvania, to gear up and tackle the ultimate journey of challenges, triumphs, and self discovery. Viewers will watch as the three develop their skills at the world's best action sports training facility, Camp Woodward.
Athletes Cody Davis, Hunter Bagent, Larry Schmidt
Genres Skateboarding Classics, Freestyle BMX
Director Dave Paine
Writer Dave Paine
Studio FUEL TV
Rating not rated
Runtime 2 hrs  3 mins
Language English | Stereo