Revolver: Poor Boyz

Skiing 1 hr  19 mins 2010
1 2 3 4 5
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The progression and the factors that have coincided with many great advancements of the sport of skiing.

Simon Dumont, Tim Durtschi, Dane Tudor

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Movie Details
Synopsis Revolver, the 2010 film from Poor Boyz Productions, presented by Salomon focuses on the progression and the factors that have coincided with many great advancements of the sport of skiing.
Athletes Simon Dumont, Tim Durtschi, Dane Tudor, Sammy Carlson, Jossi Wells, Charley Ager, JP Auclair, Bene Mayr, Pep Fujas, Andreas Hatveit, TJ Schiller, Charles Gagnier, Riley Leboe, Matt Walker, Mike Henitiuk, LJ Strenio, Julien Regnier, Josh Stack, Alexis Godbout, John Spriggs, Mick Martini, Brandon Kelly, Leigh Powis, Bobby Brown, Matt Margetts
Genres Skiing
Director Jeff Thomas, Tyler Hamet
Studio Poor Boyz Productions
Rating not rated
Runtime 1 hr  19 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions Japanese, German, Breton, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Spanish, English, Catalan
Stream HD | 1920x1080